Privacy Policy


While we keep this site up to date, we reserve the right to change prices and information from time to time and without notice.


The content of this website is for information purposes only. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, users are strongly urged to confirm important information, such as (but not limited to) prices of products and services availability, by email or telephone. Jock City Inc. cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any information contained in this website. Jock City Inc. disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in the materials on this website.

Jock City Inc. reserves the right, in every case at its own discretion and for whatever reason, to amend content contained within this website, its corporate documentation and promotional material.

Your Privacy and Purpose of Privacy Statement

Jock City Inc. respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection under the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 which our company has embraced since their introduction for larger businesses on 21 December 2001 .

This policy describes how we manage any personal information that we have about you. Personal information means any information that may be used to identify an individual.

What Personal Information about me does Jock City Inc. Hold?

Jock City Inc. may hold the following personal information about you:

  • Name, address, telephone number(s)
  • Email address
  • Details of services and products purchased by you at Harpoon Hanna’s
  • Any other information received by us in the course of providing services to clients

What does Jock City Inc. do with my Personal Information?

We use personal information about you:

  • To assist in providing benefits and services to you or your company (as applicable);
  • For the benefit of the smooth operation of our affairs and business, eg. to run an efficient and adequately staffed business, to communicate with you in relation to well being matters and anything else which may influence personal well being, to be able to provide a service which is most appropriate to you personally.
  • We will not disclose personal information about you to any person except in the ordinary operation of the affairs ofJock City Inc.s or as required by law. Our information is unavailable for use by third parties, and only accessible to staff employed directly byJock City Inc.

This policy represents our policy as at 1 July 2011. We may change this policy from time to time. Although we intend to observe this policy at all times, it is not legally binding on in anyJock City Inc. way.

How Do I Access My Personal Information

Jock City Inc. intends to take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. Standard email and internet security features are enabled, including password security and firewall protection.

You may request access to personal information we hold about you by calling or writing the Privacy Officer at the address below. You do not have to provide a reason for requesting access. Where we hold information that you are entitled to access, we will help to provide you with a suitable range of choices as to how you access it (eg. email or mailing it to you).

If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, then you may request amendment of it. We will respond to this request as early as possible.

Any questions about this policy, or any complaint regarding treatment of your privacy, by Jock City Inc., should also be made in writing or by calling to the address or phone number below.